

二十四節気(にじゅうしせっき)は 小雪(しょうせつ)

七十二候(しちじゅうにこう)は 朔風払葉(きたかぜこのはをはらう)

24 Solar Terms is Syousetsu. Chilly season and rain becomes snow.

72 pentads is Kitakazekonohawoharau. The north wind sheds the leaves on the trees.




In northern countries, this is the time when rain turns to snow. It’s time to feel the arrival of full-fledged winter. The north wind is strong, scattering the leaves of the trees, and the autumn leaves on the trees are coming to an end. The tree sheds its brightly colored leaves one by one and stands in the cold wind, giving a sense of purity.

“By letting go, we prepare for the new season.”

As well as feeling the cycle of nature, it seems like the way they embody the once-in-a-lifetime world of “the new spring is different from this year’s spring” is teaching us something.


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