盂蘭盆会(うらぼんえ)/Urabone (Urabon Festival)


「旧暦読本」岡田芳朗 著

The event commonly referred to as Obon is actually Urabon-e, which comes from the ancient Indian Sanskrit word urambana, which means hanging upside down. This is based on the story when Mokuren, the one of Shakyamuni’s ten great disciples, learned that his late mother was suffering by hanging upside down in hell, and  he saved his mother from suffering by offering a memorial service on July 15th.


It is believed that Buddhist events are connected to the ancient Japanese belief that “the spirits of our ancestors visit us around the full moon of the seventh month of the lunar calendar.” In addition, in modern times, the “Tsukudari Obon” in August has become the mainstream.


To welcome the spirits of the ancestors, a bon mat is laid out in front of the Buddhist altar, and a spirit shelf is set up. We also make spirit horses and cows, and offer offerings such as vegetables, hoozuki, and vegetarian cuisine.

精霊馬・牛(しょうりょううま)/Spirit Horses and Cows


Cucumbers and eggplants have four legs attached to them to resemble the vehicles our ancestors use to travel between the afterlife and this world.


Cucumber is a fast-footed horse that “so that our ancestors can come back quickly.’’Eggplants are slow-moving cows that are sent “so that our ancestors can return home slowly.”


During the Obon period, to avoid killing animals, we offer and eat food such as vegetarian cuisine, which is mainly made of vegetables and grains.

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