


Currently, the calendar used is divided into seven days, from Sunday to Saturday.

There are some differences between the ancient calendar and the modern calendar, in the “Shichiyo Calendar’’.

七曜とは?/What’s Shichiyou?





The seven celestial bodies: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. 

Also a general term for the days of the week from Sunday to Saturday. The creation of a seven-day calendar showing the positions of the seven celestial bodies mentioned above was stipulated in the Engishiki. In addition, in order to connect it with the 28 constellations of the Oriental constellations to determine the good or bad fortune of the day, the Seven Days were imported by Kobo Daishi in the 9th century as a calendar note, rather than for the current weekday system. 

The days of the week are marked in Fujiwara Michinaga’s diary. In Guchu calendars from that time, Sundays were sometimes referred to as mitsu(密) or mitsu(蜜).

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