七五三(しちごさん)/Shichi-Go-San (7-5-3-year-old Children’s Festival)


A custom held on November 15th to celebrate the healthy growth of children.

3歳の男女児の「髪置 (かみおき) 」、5歳の男児の「袴着 (はかまぎ) 」、7歳の女児の「紐落 (ひもおとし) 」を行った。髪置というのは、生児の髪は剃 (そ) っているが、この日から髪を剃らずに残すことにすること。紐落は「帯解 (おびとき) 」ともいい、それまで付け紐で着ていた着物を帯で締めるようにすること。

これらの祝儀は公家 (くげ) や武家の間に主として行われたが、近世になると江戸の町民の間にも行われ、氏神をはじめ赤坂山王社、神田 (かんだ) 明神などに参詣 (さんけい) するようになった。


They performed “kami-oki” for 3-year-old boys and girls, “hakamagi” for 5-year-old boys, and “himo-otoshi” for 7-year-old girls. Hair removal means that the baby’s hair is already shaved, but from this day on, the baby’s hair will be left unshorn. Himo-otoshi is also called “obi-toki,” and refers to the process of tightening a kimono, which was previously worn with a string, with an obi. 

These celebrations were primarily performed among court nobles and samurai families, but in the early modern period, they were also held among the townspeople of Edo, with people visiting their guardian deities, Akasaka Sanno Shrine, Kanda Myojin Shrine, and other shrines. ) It was way.

七五三の祝いをなぜ11月15日にするかといえば、この日が旧暦の二十八宿中の鬼宿 (きしゅく) といわれる最吉日であるからといい、また俗説では徳川綱吉 (つなよし) の子息徳松がこの日に祝いをしたからともいう。


The reason why Shichi-Go-San is celebrated on November 15th is because this day is said to be Kisyukunichi, the most auspicious day of the 28 Syuku(inn/hotel) in the lunar calendar. And according to popular belief, Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi’s son Tokumatsu celebrated on this day.

千歳飴(ちとせあめ)/Chitose-Ame (Thousand Year Candy Stick)

飴菓子の一種。米と麦芽を糖化させてつくる紅白の棒飴で、せんざい飴、千年 (せんねん) 飴、寿命飴ともいい、新生児や七五三の子供の宮参りに祝い菓子として商われる。松竹梅や鶴亀 (つるかめ) など、めでたい色絵をあしらった縦長の化粧袋に入っている健康長寿の縁起飴で、神社によっては供饌 (ぐせん) 菓子として護符がわりに分けるところもある。


A type of candy. A red and white candy bar made by saccharifying rice and malt, it is also known as senzai candy, sennen candy, or longevity candy, and is sold as a celebratory confectionery for newborns and Shichi-Go-San children visiting shrines. It is a good-luck candy that brings good health and longevity, and comes in a vertical cosmetic bag decorated with auspicious colored pictures such as pine, bamboo, plum, and crane-turtle.Some shrines sell it as a talisman as an offering sweet.

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