こよみナビゲーターとしての活動/Activities as a Koyomi Navigator

現在の活動/Current Activities

Tomoko Aこと山田朋子が、こよみナビゲーターとして行っている活動には以下のものがあります。(2024年4月1日時点)

Tomoko Yamada, also known as Tomoko A, is involved in the following activities as a Koyomi navigator. (As of April 01, 2024)

明日のこよみメール配信/Tomorrow’s Koyomi email delivery

こよみカフェ・ユリウス/Koyomi Cafe Iulius

Cool KOYOMI動画配信/Cool KOYOMI video distribution

Cool KOYOMIサイト運営/Cool KOYOMI site management

こよみ鑑定(有料)/Koyomi appraisal (charged)

誕生日のこよみ鑑定(有料)/Birthday Koyomi appraisal (charged)





ここで少し、こよみナビゲーターであるTomoko Aの自己紹介をいたします





Tomoko Yamada

Lives in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

Born on the day of 庚申(Kanoesaru) in the year of 戊申(Tsuchinoesaru)




Since I was born in February(in Japanese 2月), my father named me “朋子=Tomoko” because of the two months in a row.

Characters who tend to be more moon (yin) than sun (yang)

It is also said to be an auspicious name that doubles your luck.


I mainly do web writing, but I also do work that involves writing and expressing things in words, including editing, proofreading, e-book publishing support, and site/LP creation support.

こよみナビゲーター養成講座を受講した理由/Reason for taking the Koyomi Navigator Training Course



Information on “calendar” and “good luck” can be found in various expressions not only in books but also on the internet. 

I was encouraged to take the course because I knew many things only in bits and pieces, so I wondered, “What is correct?” and I was curious to “want to know it systematically!” Also, I was encouraged by the word “Saijiki.”


As I continue to learn and work on tasks (actions and outputs), I feel that my past experiences, learning, knowledge, hobbies, and work become a line, and a line becomes a plane.


As soon as I completed the course, my master Hiroto Fujimoto’s message, “Get used to it rather than learn it,” was my signal, and I started sending tomorrow’s Koyomi emails. This brings us to the present.

活動詳細/Activity Details

明日のこよみメール配信(無料)/Tomorrow’s Koyomi email delivery (free)



Target: Members

I will appraise and send you “Tomorrow’s Koyomi” around 6pm in the evening.

*新規メンバーさま募集(次回未定)/Recruitment new members (Next time undecided)

こよみカフェ・ユリウス(無料)/KOYOMI Cafe Iulius (free)



Target: Members

Once a month, we hold online mini-courses related not only to the ancient calendar but also to the “calendar”.

Cool KOYOMI動画配信/Cool KOYOMI video distribution

パートナーのTomoko Bこと鳥原知子さん(シドニー在住)と、二十四節気・七十二候を中心にした暦とその日の食、また大吉日などについてお届けしています。

With my partner Tomoko B, also known as Tomoko Torihara (who lives in Sydney), we’re delivering information on the calendar centered around the 24 solar terms and 72 pentads, the eclipses of the day, and the lucky days.


There are things you can only understand from being in Japan (inside), and things you can only understand from looking at Japan from a distance (outside).These two people, who are proud and happy to have been born in Japan, talk what we want to pass on to the next generation and what we want to leave behind. 

音声(Spotify)でお聞きいただくことも可能です。/You can also listen to the audio (Spotify).


The sense of the seasons, the beauty and delicacy of the Japanese language, the seasonal food culture, and the health of the mind and body…I hope we can be of some small help.

*チャンネル登録(応援)もお願いします/Please also subscribe to (support) the channel.


Cool KOYOMIサイト運営/Cool KOYOMI site management


Up until now, transmission and distribution information had been disparate and difficult to find, so we have summarized it so that you can see the connections based on the website.


We will deliver seasonal calendar information, focusing on the 24 solar terms and the 72 pentads.


Compared to the 24 solar terms, which are also used to mark seasonal greetings, the expression of the 72 pentads in Chinese poetry is less familiar. I would be happy if you could feel closer to it.

こよみ鑑定(有料)/Koyomi appraisal (charged)



I will evaluate the auspicious days according to your theme, such as product release dates or good days for course announcements. 

I will inform you of the candidate dates for the specified period (1 month is a guideline) on the 3rd, along with the auspicious calendar and trends for that day.



Price: ¥18,000

誕生日のこよみ鑑定(有料)/Birthday Koyomi appraisal (charged)


Find out the calendar of your birth date from the ancient calendar. Please receive blessing messages from the Japanese calendar conveyed in words.


Price:¥3,500(I will send you the appraisal results via email.)


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