二十四節気(にじゅうしせっき)・七十二候(しちじゅうにこう)/24 Solar Terms・72 pentads

二十四節気(にじゅうしせっき)/24 Solar Terms










The 24 solar terms are 24 indicators (elements of the solar calendar) that represent seasonal changes.

・A method of dividing seasons created in ancient China

・Divide the year into 24 equal parts based on the ecliptic (the path the sun travels on the celestial sphere as seen from the earth) to show changes in climate

・One period of each solar term is approximately 15 days.

・Since the classification is based on the seasons and climate of the Yellow River basin, there is a discrepancy with Japan.

・It has been used as a guide for agricultural work since ancient times.

七十二候(しちじゅうにこう)/72 pentads











「現代 こよみ読み解き事典」岡田芳朗・阿久根末忠 編著

72 pentads are a subdivision of the 24 solar terms.

・Divide each qi(気) into three equal parts: first, second, and last, resulting in 72 pieces.

・”Climate(気候)” is expressed by the “ki(気)” of the 24 solar terms and the “kou(候)’’ of the 72 seasons.

・It is said to have its origins in the Spring and Autumn period (ancient China)

・Approximately 5 days for each case.

・Represents changes in animals and plants and trends in natural phenomena.

・It was originated in China, there would be a big discrepancy with the seasons in Japan, so in the Edo period, Harumi Shibukawa and others created the “72 Seasons of the Honcho” that matched the Japanese climate.

Since the seasons are expressed in Chinese poetry, there are many unfamiliar readings, and the meanings can be difficult to understand.

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