2024年2月29日~3月4日の暦/From Feb.29th to March 4th

二十四節気(にじゅうしせっき)は雨水(うすい) 雪や氷が解けはじめ、雪は雨に変わるころ
24 Solar Terms is Usui. When snow and ice begin to melt and snow turns to rain.
72 pentads is Soumoku-mebaeizuru. When plants start to sprout.

According to the lunar calendar, it is from mid-January to late January. We can now see the seven spring herbs sprouting new buds and blooming flowers.
Just when you feel the spring sunshine, there are days when it rains cold, so it’s time to take care of your health. Self-love=Jiai is affection=Jiai. Please stay healthy.