2023年12月17日~12月21日の暦/From Dec.17th to Dec.21st
24 Solar Terms is Taisetsu. Heavy snow.
72 pentads is Sakenouomuragaru. When salmon come up the river in schools.
Ketsugyo is a freshwater fish of the perch family.Because the ecology (fauna and flora) of the Yellow River basin, where the 72 pentads was born, is different from that of Japan, it is treated as “sake” here.

In Japan, there is no clear distinction between salmon and trout. In English, salmon is defined as something that goes down to the sea and returns to the river, and trout is defined as something that remains in the river.
また、鮭と鱒の卵を塩漬けにしたイクラも、食べ慣れた方にはその違いは歴然かと思います。が、私には並べて出されても分からない気がします 笑。
Also, for those who are used to eating salmon roe, which is made from salted salmon and trout eggs, the difference will be obvious. However, I don’t think I would understand even if they were presented side by side.

By the way, ikura comes from the Russian word ikra.