
11月13日~11月17日の暦/November 13th~17th

二十四節気(にじゅうしせっき)は 立冬(りっとう)

七十二候(しちじゅうにこう)は 地始凍(ちはじめてこおる)

24 Solar Term is Rittou. Beginning of Winter

72 pentads is Chi-hajimetekooru. It’s the first frost of the earth.



When Sasancha season began, it was autumn with a strong hint of summer, but today it feels like we are getting closer to the calendar.


There may be some areas that are rushing to prepare for winter.Knits, jackets, and coats. It looks like we’ll be wearing layers for a while until February, also known as Kisaragi/如月, which is also spelled Kisaragi/衣更着.


From the brocade-colored mountains to the moist fallen leaves.Eventually, as you walk along the dry, rustling roads of early winter, you might see frost pillars.




“A collection of thin icicles formed on winter nights when water in the soil seeps to the surface and freezes. ”


Frost pillars are said to be seen in regions where the lowest temperatures (-10 to 0 degrees Celsius) occur, soils that contain a lot of volcanic ash, and where there is little snow. I only have memories from when I was a child, but I still remember the unique feeling that came from the soles of my feet.


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